Spyder IDE Documentation - Components

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Installation — Spyder 3 documentation.


Command line anaconda spyder windows 10. Just the read the following instructions with care. Thanks to the Spyder team and Continuumyou have two alternatives:. Приведу ссылку versions work on Lion Thanks to the Anaconda spyder windows 10 project, Spyder can be installed using its port package manager. There are several versions available from anaconda spyder windows 10 you can choose from.

Please refer to the Requirements section to see what other packages you might need. Using the official package manager: sudo apt-get install spyder.

This package could be slightly outdated. If you find that is the case, please use the Debian package mentioned below. Using the pip package manager:.

Using the package manager: sudo apt-get install spyder. Install Gita powerful source control management tool. Optional If you want to read anaconda spyder windows 10 documentation, you must build it first with the command.

Navigation index next previous Spyder 3 documentation ». Quick search. Note Больше информации command will also update all Spyder dependencies. Use our DMG installers, which can be found here. UTF - 8. Ubuntu : Using the official package manager: sudo apt-get install spyder.

Note This package could be slightly outdated. Pyflakes — for real-time code analysis. Sphinx — for the Help pane rich text mode and to get our documentation. Pylint — for static code analysis. Pep8 — for style analysis.

Nbconvert — to manipulate Jupyter notebooks on the Editor. Pickleshare — To show import completions on the Editor and Consoles. Numpydoc Used by Jedi to get return types for functions with Numpydoc docstrings. Numpy — for view and editing two or three dimensional anaconda spyder windows 10 in the Variable Explorer. Scipy — for importing Matlab workspace files in the Variable Explorer. This is especially useful for beta-testing, troubleshooting and development of Spyder itself.

Optional If you want to read the documentation, you must build it first with the command python setup. For discussions and help /20360.txt, you can suscribe to our Google Group. Created using Sphinx 1.



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